Hoy es uno de esos días en que la búsqueda de cosas nuevas de suikoden ha dado sus frutos.
Today is one of the days in which my search for new suikoden stuff is worth.

En primer lugar he encontrado esta preciosa dollfie customizada como Nanami aquí. Yo hace tiempo que estoy haciendo la mía, pero no tengo dinero para el cuerpo. Ya la ensenyaré cuando la acabe^^.
In first place, I found this beautiful customized Nanami dollfie here. I have been making one since long ago but i dont have enough money for the body. I'll show her when Ill finish it^^

Pero eso no es todo, la gente me sorprende positivamente, no sólo por la calidad de los disfraces y los parecidos de los dollfies con los personajes reales. Lo que verdaderamente me gusta es la devoción con la cual la gente homenajea a suikoden. Aquí tenemos un conjunto de tres figuras correspondientes a Tir Mcdohl, Luc (Suikoden II) y sasarai (Suikoden II).
But thats not all... people surpreise me, not only for the quality of the costumes for the dolls and how much they seem the real characters. The thing Im really amazed with is the fact od people's d

También pongo la imagen en detalle de la cara de Luc, excelente trabajo sin lugar a dudas.
La web en dónde he encontrado a estas monadas es ésta.
I add too Luc's face pic so all you can see in detail. Certainly thats an amazing job. The website where I found these cuties is this one.
Después de la sesión de dollfies, hablaré de las figuras, que tan difíciles son de encontrar.
After the dollfies pictures session, ill talk about the figures, which are always so hard to find.
Como es el caso de esta figura de Chris de Suikoden III que me ha encantado también. En esta figura podemos ver a Chris con el pelo

This is the case of this Suikoden III Chris figure and I looooved it too! In this figure we can see Chris with the hair down and without armor. The link is here.
Miakis: como se hizo. También encontré en esta página el kit de Miakis, la cual ya hemos mostrado en el blog, montada y pintada. El kit incluye un manual muy mono con todas las partes y fotos para saber como pintarla.
Miakis: the making of. I also found Miakis kit in this website, figure which we already saw he

Y más noticias buenas: ¡otra figura nueva! Lamentablemente tampoco es oficial, pero merece la pena verla. Hablo de Millie, del Suikoden II: "Bonaparte, ¿dónde estás?"
Imagen de la figura de Millie extraida de aquí.
And more good news: another suikoden figu

Sadly this one isnt official neither, but its worth so see it. Im talking about Millie from Suikoden II: "Bonaparte, where are you?"
I found Millie figure here.
Y eso es todo por hoy, próximamente: las pinky street customizadas.^^
And thats all for today. Soon, customized pinky street.^^
ResponderEliminarThose are all so incredible I can't even believe it! Some of those I never even saw before, how did you find these Nan? ^^!
The detail is amazing, especially in the Tir, Luc, and Sasarai trio! Seeing these makes me wish I had the artistic ability to create things like this eh? No doubt I would have an army of Crowley dollfies :)
I also agree with you about peoples devotion to Suikoden when creating stuff like this eh? Knowing the time, skill, and money that would go into making these. Suikoden fans have definately proven that we are some of the finest bunch around! :P.
I can't wait to see your Nanami doll when it's finished too! We'll have to add it to this site the second its done! It's sure that yours will be even cuter than this one and the Volks one! When you're finished, I think you said you'd make me Crowley.....riiiiiight? :D Oh thank you thank you thank you! <3
^_^ I found those by searching sooo much in japanese xD
ResponderEliminarI love all them awww XD
Hahahaha thanks but i dont know how my future nanami would be, I really want the body!!!!
Well you know crowley its impossible to do, that would seem ugly since hes old and with beard :_( cant you like any cuter character??? >.< an easy one to make, please! maybe Flik?
HAHA Flik eh? Well Flik is very cool but, he doesn't have any runes in his body! :P haha. What if we made a younger version of Crowley? I bet he was SO cute when he was younger! ^^ HAHA. :***!!
You are my hero : ) thanks for sharing it with me.They look great, really. Nice job.
ResponderEliminarThose are all really cool! I love the Millie one! Millie is my favorite character!
ResponderEliminarMillie is so cool! I love her, too! : )
ResponderEliminarThanks for comenting!!