Thanks to Nanamis super searching techniques, and my ability to make a very sad and innocent face, I guilted her into letting me win this rare merchandise :D teehee. Neither of us had any knowledge of its existence until now, and there's a good reason for it. From what we can tell, it was made for an event in Tokyo called "Geki" and was presumably designed for this event just before the release of the game in Japan, in 1998. The item itself is called a "Nobori". It is basically a banner designed with hooks to hang it, exactly like this: Nobori Picture. It is over 10 years old now, and there have probably been very very few of these made since it was for this event only. Knowing its rarity and seeing its wonderful design, I think Nan described it best when she said "it is a treasure"

Traducción: Gracias a las super técnicas de búsqueda de Nanami, y a mi habilidad para poner caras tristes e inocentes, he logrado que me deje ganar este mercha tan raro :D jejeje. Ninguno de nosotros tenía conocimiento de esto hasta ahora, y hay una razón para eso. Hasta donde creemos, fue hecho para un evento en Tokyo llamado Geki y seguramente fue hecho justo antes de que el juego saliese, el 1998. Se llama nobori y se trata de un banner disenyado para sel colgado de esta forma: imagen de nobori. Ahora tiene más de 10 anyos y probablemente hay muy pocos de estos dado a que son sólo para eventos. Sabiendo su rareza y viendo su fantaástico disenyo creo que Nan lo describió perfectamente cuando dijo: es un tesoro.
Good post^^
ResponderEliminarThat would look amazing in your room!
Its really a trasure, I love how Nanami looks in it! ^_^
Kisses! <3
HAHA Thanks Nanamoe!!!
ResponderEliminarI'm still unsure how I should display this one in my room when I receive it eh? Should I hang that up or maybe its a little too old I don't want it to break, maybe I should put that somewhere safe? But a little boring if I do that :P haha.
And yeeeah! Nanami seems so....ready to attack in this picture no? She's a little intimidating haha. I'm glad she's on our side :D
*MUAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!* <3333334!!