Helloooooo all! We're back again with a glorious update on fancy Suikoden wall decorations.....in other words, Posters!! Konami seems to love promoting their beloved series in Japan with promo Posters, so lucky for us there are more things to collect! There are quite a few posters to show, and probably more we haven't discovered or don't have a picture of yet. So this list might be update in the near future as we find them :) I hope you drool as much as we did while looking at these! Enjoy!
Suikoden 1 Poster

Suikoden 1 posters are veeeery hard to find. In fact in all our years of searching we've only ever seen 2 and this is one of them. Even then we only saw this the one time. Well, except for the many times I see it in my room since I was fortunate enough to win this, YAY!

This just happens to be one of my favourite posters of all time. I just love the Suikoden 1 artwork and what better way to display it then on your wall with all 108 SoD's :). This poster was part of a set of 3, each poster contained all the 108 stars for Suikoden 1, 2, and 3. They were only sold at the Tokyo Game Show as far as i'm aware.
Suikoden 2 Posters

This promo poster was given to stores to promote the then upcoming game Suikoden II in Japan. It also promoted the fact that Metal Gear Solid in Japan was released with a playable demo of Suikoden II inside.

The left poster is similar to Nanamis rare suikoden II poster but contains Japanese kanji instead of english text. This one is rare but not nearly as rare as Nanamis.
The one on the right is similar to the promo poster above, but the difference is this one was released after Suikoden II in Japan, and is no longer a promo picture.

The poster on the left is of quite a famous picture of Suikoden II. This picture has quite a few releases on suikoden merch, ie a phone card, a card, post cards etc.
The right poster is one of my favourites and contains the 3 main characters in the foreground and the 108 SoDs in the background.

If you follow this blog i'm sure you've seen this gem quite a few times :). It belongs to our very own Nanami. It was released in Europe/UK to promote the release of Suikoden II. It is seemingly impossible to find unless you ask Nanami nicely for it :)
There is also a Suikoden 2 poster of all the 108 stars similar to the Suikoden 1 and 3 ones featured in this post, but sadly I do not have a picture of it to show you. I promise when I find one, it'll be updated here!
Suikoden 3 Posters

A Suikoden III Poster featuring the heroes.

The third in the set of 3 108 Stars Posters from TGS. Amaaazing.

This poster was 1 of 2 released in the US to promote the release of Suikoden III. These are actually quite hard to find. But every once in a while you'll see them on eBay.

The second of 2 released in the US. Another hard one to find.
Suikoden IV Posters

A double sided Suikoden IV Poster. That is the front and back.

A weirdly shaped Suikoden IV Promo poster. This one is quite rare.
Suikoden V Posters

These posters were released in Japan as a set of 3 with the release of Suikoden V. Obviously they didn't come framed, but what a cool idea! *Pic taken from the suikosource forums.

Another oddly shaped Suikoden poster, similar to the Suikoden IV one above. You'll notice they advertise a DVD in this one. The cover of the DVD is not one we've seen before, but Nanami and I seem to think this poster was created before they knew how the DVD that came with the Limited Edition Suikoden V would look, so they made a sample of it with this pic. I don't think this cover really exists.
Suikogaidens Posters

Suikogaiden Volume 1 Poster

Suikogaiden Volume 2 Poster.

A set of 3 mini posters for Suikogaiden vol 1 released at the 2001 Spring TGS. It even came in a small tube with a preview on it, fancy huh?
Rhapsodia Posters

A double sided Rhapsodia promo poster advertising the released of the game. Pictured are the front and back.

Yet another oddly shaped one similar to the Suikoden IV and V ones. This ones for Rhapsodia, i like it!

A set of 6 mini posters for Rhapsodia. It was released at TGS and is quite rare and expensive. I've seen this for auction twice and both times it was very expensive.
Suikoden Tierkreis Posters

Suikoden Tierkreis promo poster for the release of the game.

Another promo poster for the release of Tierkreis in Japan.

A Tierkreis poster released in the US inside a gaming magazine. You can find these on eBay for very cheap.

Another US Tierkreis poster, releaesd in the same video game magazine.
Suikoden Card Stories Posters

Suikoden Card Stories: Booster Pack Vol. 1 Promo Poster

Yet again an oddly shaped one, it's of Suikoden Card Stories: Premium Pack promo Poster

Top left: Suikoden Card Stories -chapter II- Booster pack Vol. 1 poster
Top right: Suikoden Card Stories: Booster Pack Vol. 4 poster
Bottom left: Suikoden Card Stories: Booster Pack Vol. 2 poster
Bottom right: Suikoden Card Stories: Booster Pack Vol. 3 poster

Suikoden Card Stories -chapter II- Booster Pack Vol. 2 promo poster

Suikoden Card Stories -chapter II- Booster Pack Vol. 3 promo poster

Suikoden Card Stories -chapter II- Booster Pack Vol. 4 promo poster
Misc. Suikoden Posters

In this picture is the famed Aki Shimizu, artist for the Suikoden 3 manga. Behind her is a huge poster for the first volume in the manga series. I doubt there were very many of these made, in fact maybe this is the only one. Needless to say it's a rare one, possibly impossible to hunt down for purchase :( Cool though, isn't it?

Suikoden Alliance Comic promo poster advertising the suikoden II alliance comic. Very rare.

Suikoden Shinso Vol. 7 promo Poster advertising the shinsos. Very cool and rare!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell *breathes* that was a lot, no? To think there are probably even a few more out there both tires and excites me :D. Some day I will own all these and decorate my room wall to wall, floor to ceiling with these!!!!! YAY!!
Such a good post! I love all the posters, specially suikoden I one and the one with shiro which I will have soon : 3
ResponderEliminarThanks for the post!
Awesome posters! I wish I had one ;~;
ResponderEliminarSuikoden is my favoriet series ever!