Aquí va la lista de las 10 cosas de suikoden que más me gustaría tener dentro del merchandising oficial o licenciado. La lista suele ir cambiando según voy consiguiendo lo que quiero, pero la mayoría son constantes pues son dificiles de encontrar.
Here is my list with the 10 suikoden things I want the most, all theyre official or licensed merchandising. My list is always changing while im getting new items, but the most of them are always the same because theyre so hard to find.
1. Nanami Volks Doll

Ya hablé sobre esto aquí.
So hard to get this is the only one pic I have thanks to Winds.
I talked about it here.
2. Jowy Volks

También muy dificil de encontrar, sólo lo hemos visto en venta 2 veces. Las fotos son del ejemplar que Winds consiguió.
Ya comentado aquí.
Very hard to get too, we only saw it in 2 auctions.
Pics are from the one Winds bought.
Already commented here.
3. Riou Volks doll

Ya comentado junto con los otros aquí.
This is the only pic I have, I saw it on sale with Jowy one, but sadly they only were selling the heads (...). This is the last of the three, and its very rare, just like the others,
I already posted about it here.
4. Suikoden I

Ipods de Suikoden, muy limitados y de precio elevado. Hay varios modelos pero el que más me gustaría tener seria el de la Soul Eater o en su defecto la runa Comienzo.
Ya comentado aquí.
Suikoden Ipods, very limited and expensive. There are a few models but the one I want the most is Soul Eater or Beggining rune one.
Already posted here.
5. Lyon Figure Limited Ed

La edición limitada (MUY limitada) de la figura de Lyon.
Sólo la vi una vez, pero perdí la puja. Pagaron mas de 10000 yenes por ella.
Ya comentada aquí junto a su "gemela".
Lyon figure limited edition (VERY limited). I only saw it once, but I lost the auction. They paid for it more than 10000 yens.
Already commented here with her "twin".
6. Suikoden II Picture Frame

Suikoden limited picture frame. I bid in it recently but another buyer paid 11000 yens and I couldnt afford to bid more, so I lost it.
7. Suikoden Shirt

La única información que tengo es que salió a la venta por 2500 yenes.
Another rare article. I didnt know that exists until I saw it in Shinsho book vol. 6, in a merchandise section.
The only info I have about it is it was on sale for 2500 yens.
8. Suikoden II Mercenary Fortress Flag

Una vez me sobrepujaron, otra se me olvido pujar, otra vez me sobrepujaron de nuevo...
Mercenary fortress flag, with the bear-lion. I always wanted to have it, and its not hard to get and it isnt expensive neither, but I never was very lucky with it.
Once they outbid me, other time I forgot to bid, and last time they outbid me again...
9. Suikoden I Memory Case

Ya comentado aquí.
A case for store 4 memory cards, its hard to get, I only saw it twice on sale and last time it was 60 euros, I found it so much for a empty box, but I wish I get it some day.
Already posted here.
10. Suikoden Crunch Chocolate

Aunque lleve 5 anyos caducado me sigue pareciendo un artículo dignísimo de tener.
Ya comentado aquí.
My 2 big passions: suikoden and chocolate xD
Even if that expired 5 years ago I think this item is so worth.
Already commented here.
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