Con la salida del Tierkreis, Konami se apuntó a un fenómeno japonés bastante extendido: los dorama. Todo empezó con la radio de Konami station cuando decidieron sacar la historia de Suikoden I "contada". Aquí dejo el link con información en japonés y las fotos

También decidieron hacer una del Tierkreis, esta es mucho más fácil de conse

Poco despúes de que el Tierkreis saliese a la venta decidieron hacer lo mismo con Suikoden 2, sacando un dorama de dos cds (en este caso, en la misma caja). Se puede conseguir en playasia y en otaku.com, pero el precio es un poco elevado. Al igual que con el del 1, la portada me gusta muchísimo, la verdad es que me parece todo un acierto que hayan aprovechado la salida del Tierkreis para sacar merchandising con disenyo de los primeros Suikoden (como estos drama cd, un calendario e incluso un mini cuaderno).
Suikoden: dorama cds
When Tierkreis came out, Konami joined into a Japanese popular phenomenon: the dorama. It started when Konami radio station decided to "tell" Suikoden I story. There is the link with information in japanese and casting pics. Its like a novel in audio, and I think that was a succes because they came out it on 2 CDs along with the Tierkreis. It could be achieved with the (big) limited edition version, or you can buy it separately on konamistyle. Personally, I love the covers design.
They also decided to make another about Tierkreis, this one is much easier to get and its price is lower.
Shortly after Tierkreis was on sale they decided to do the same with Suikoden 2, using a two-dorama cds (in this case, in the same box). It is available in playasia and otaku.com, but the price is a bit high. As with Suikoden 1, I love the cover, I believe konami had a good idea with Tierkreis, making merchandising with the first Suikoden design (like these drama cd, calendar and even a notebook).
OMG i didn't know they had that on the radio eh? That's too cool!
ResponderEliminarDo you think I should suggest this to my boss for playing on our radio station? :)