Más adelante publicaré la lista de los packs de cartas existentes hasta el momento, pero aún me faltan 3 fotos (creo que son 11 en total).
El album azul es para el pack de cartas de suikoden: "Konami collection card", que salió en Japón en el 98 a un precio de 4,500 yenes la caja entera o 300 yenes el sobre. En una de las fotos se puede ver est

El otro album parece apropiado para guardar cualquiera de las cartas de los packs del card stories, sobretodo los del 1 y el 2, aunque el ejemplar que yo compré de segunda mano venía con las del 3... supongo que eso es a gusto de cada fan.

Son bastante limitados y ocupan un espacio considerable (como un album de fotos de los grandes, más o menos).
El precio varía entre los 2000-5000 yenes dependiendo del estado y de las cartas que traiga consigo.
Suikoden: Card albums
There are, to my knowledge, two suikoden albums fot storage the cards.
I will publish the list of packs of cards available later, but I cant find still 3 pics (I think they are 11 in total).
The blue album is for the pack of suikoden cards: "Konami collection card", which were released in Japan at 1998 for 4500 yen the whole box or the 300 yen each pack. In one of the pic you can see this open album and a few cards inside, some cards have information on the characters and other special cards make a cool pic together, as shown. I think this is the oldest pack of Suikoden cards and it has nothing to do with Suikoden Card Stories, unlike all others.
The second album seems appropriate to keep any of the other packs, especially those with characters from suikoden 1 and 2, although the second hand album I bought came with suikoden 3 cards... I guess it depends of each fan taste.
Those albums are quite limited and they occupy considerable space (as large as a photo album, more or less).
The price can vary between 2000-5000 yen depending on the state and cards it brings.
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