Entre el variado merchandising de Suikoden existente se pueden encontrar las tarjetas de memoria o memory cards y sus respectivas cajas para guardarlas.
Como viene siendo tristemente habitual dentro del merchandise de Suikoden, ninguno de estos artículos se llego a comercializar fuera de Japón.

De Suikoden II hay una caja para guardar una única memory card, que además incluye unas pegatinas muy bonitas con las que adornar la tarjeta. Es también un producto bastante limitado y difícil de encontrar, pero no tanto como la caja del Suikoden I.
Y ya saltan a Suikoden IV, con una versión suikoden de la memory card oficial de Sony de 8 MB para l

Y al igual que con la de su predecesor, con Suikoden V llega esta otra memory card oficial de color blanco, con pegatinas como las de Sialeeds, Georg, Lyon y el príncipe Frey. Esta es el último artí

Suikoden: memory card
Among the variety of Suikoden merchandise there are memory cards and their storage boxes.
Sadly, as is usual in Suikoden merchandise, none of these items come to market outside of Japan.
First, there is a Suikoden I box quite limited and expensive with space inside to store four memory cards. The last time I saw it on Ebay (a couple of years ago) it was sold for about $ 70.
There is too a Suikoden II box for storing a single memory card, which includes some very nice stickers for adorning the card. It is also very limited and hard to find, but not as much as Suikoden I box.
And about Suikoden IV, with a version of suikoden official Sony 8mb memory card, including a box to store it. It was put on play-asia for sale long time ago(same as 5) but they were sold out soon. Is rare to find on eBay pages and in Japan is about 2000-3000 yen.
And as with its predecessor, there is a suikoden V white 8mb memory card, with stickers like Sialeeds, Georg, Lyon and Prince Frey. This is the last article in suikoden related memory cards for now (and I dont think they make more neither). This is less limited pme (perhaps in part because it is the newest of all) and its price usally less than 2000 yen in Japanese bids.
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