Como finalmente tengo toda mi colección junta (*llora de felicidad!) pensé que estaría bien mostrarla. ¡Espero que os guste! Creo que conforme vaya recibiendo paquetes, tendré que ir juntando más todo xD No me puedo creer que tenga tantas cosas... y considerando que aún me falta un 35% (cálculo mental rápido xD) es posible que necesite más espacio en un año o año y medio... pero ahora mismo me va perfecto^^
domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013
Nanami's Suikoden Room 2013
As I finally have all my collection displayed together (happy tears!) I though I should share it. Hope you like it ^-^ I guess I will have to put all things closer every time I receive a new package XD I cant believe I already have so many things... considering Im missing around 35% (just guessing xD) I think I will need more space in about a year- half a year. But right now this is just perfect!
Como finalmente tengo toda mi colección junta (*llora de felicidad!) pensé que estaría bien mostrarla. ¡Espero que os guste! Creo que conforme vaya recibiendo paquetes, tendré que ir juntando más todo xD No me puedo creer que tenga tantas cosas... y considerando que aún me falta un 35% (cálculo mental rápido xD) es posible que necesite más espacio en un año o año y medio... pero ahora mismo me va perfecto^^
Como finalmente tengo toda mi colección junta (*llora de felicidad!) pensé que estaría bien mostrarla. ¡Espero que os guste! Creo que conforme vaya recibiendo paquetes, tendré que ir juntando más todo xD No me puedo creer que tenga tantas cosas... y considerando que aún me falta un 35% (cálculo mental rápido xD) es posible que necesite más espacio en un año o año y medio... pero ahora mismo me va perfecto^^
miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013
Suikoden Day 2013 is now OPEN!
Hello everybody!
Suikoden Day 2013 is now open and we are willing to see everyone there!
You can join us here: Feel free to bring your friends in! ^-^
There will be contests with prizes, you can meet other fans and have fun talking about your fav game!
Please read the rules if you want to take part! : )
Suikoden Day 2013 is now open and we are willing to see everyone there!
You can join us here: Feel free to bring your friends in! ^-^
There will be contests with prizes, you can meet other fans and have fun talking about your fav game!
Suikoden Day 2013 Competition Information:
All entries must be sent to the Suikoden Day email address: and must use the following form.
Competition Category:
Title: (the title of your work or character name for cosplay)
Comments: (a few words about your entry. What inspired you and why? What did you use to create it? For cosplays, how much of it was made yourself? Comments here can benefit your Workmanship score.)
NOTE: A contestant may enter as many competitions as they like, but may enter only one piece of work for each.
As Stylish as a Narcissist! Cosplay Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world.
- Contestants must cosplay any character from the Suikoden franchise. Be creative! You can make use of any material for your costume (just as long as it ain’t something illegal! =P).
- Contestants must take a picture of him/her wearing the costume. Only one entry (picture) per person. Entry must be a single image file, but may be edited to contain multiple images of close ups/details. Try to show off the best parts of your creation!
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a JPEG file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and character to be cosplayed in the e-mail. If possible, include a short description of why you chose to cosplay that character. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best cosplay shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Creativity: Effort put in, details
10pt for Presentation: Overall impact/style, pose
10pt for Workmanship: Accuracy, materials used, your own work
5pt for Difficulty: Bonus points based on the difficulty of the cosplay.
TOTAL: 35 points
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
The Budehuc Statue Room! Fan Art Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world.
- All forms of art are accepted, from digital to traditional, sculpture to embroidery! Show us your Suikoden creations!
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a JPEG file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and title of their piece in the e-mail. If possible, include a short description of what you chose to draw. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best fan art shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Originality: Creativity, materials used etc
10pt for Presentation: Overall impact and style
10pt for Workmanship: Technical ability and quality
TOTAL: 30 points.
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
Eike's Library! Fan Fiction Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world. However, the language of the fan fiction must be in English. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause.
- Entrants must create a fan fiction no longer than 2500 words and no shorter than 1000 words (excluding extras like the title and description). The fanfic can include any characters or locations from the Suikoden world (including Tierkreis).
- Original characters are welcome. Just remember the focus of the fic is Suikoden!
- All material must have suitable content and must not exceed a T rating. Keep it clean. Anything beyond a T rating will not be considered.
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a .DOC file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and title of their piece in the e-mail. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best fan fiction shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Originality: of story content, characters, plot
10pt for Presentation: overall effect and flow
10pt for Workmanship: Technical things like grammar, spelling, structure
TOTAL: 30 points
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
Promote Suikoden! Advertising Competition:
Show your love for the Suikoden series by getting creative with advertising. Posters, t-shirts, or a public chalk drawing are just a few ideas on how to promote our beloved Suikoden! We’re hoping to see a lot of fun and unique entries this year! Note that this year, we are promoting the Suikoden series, rather than the Suikoden Day event.
IMPORTANT: The Suikoden Day Staff DO NOT CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE VANDALISM. If you are planning something permanent, please make sure you mention in the comments section of the entry form that you have permission.
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Effectiveness: How many people see it, clarity, impact
10pt for Dedication: The effort put in, Suiko-love shown
10pt for Originality: How new/unique the entry is, ambition
TOTAL: 30 points
Random Shout Out Competition:
The Random Shout Out competition is a free for all contest for everyone to show their love for the series. Anything that does not fit into any of the other categories can be submitted for Random Shout Out, and the winners will be drawn from the pool of entries! 2 Random winners! Show your love for Suikoden and be in to win!
Essays: ‘What Suikoden Means to Me’ and ‘My Ideal Suikoden VI’:
This is not a competition, but instead a way of contributing to both the festivities of Suikoden Day, and helping Konami to hear the voice of its Suikoden fan base. All pieces will be collected and sent into Konami after the Suikoden Day event. Essays can be as long or short as you like, and we’d love to hear your stories and opinions! Send them in to us! We can post them as anonymous if you prefer, and if you don’t want them sent to Konami, then that is okay too.
All entries must be sent to the Suikoden Day email address: and must use the following form.
Competition Category:
Title: (the title of your work or character name for cosplay)
Comments: (a few words about your entry. What inspired you and why? What did you use to create it? For cosplays, how much of it was made yourself? Comments here can benefit your Workmanship score.)
NOTE: A contestant may enter as many competitions as they like, but may enter only one piece of work for each.
As Stylish as a Narcissist! Cosplay Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world.
- Contestants must cosplay any character from the Suikoden franchise. Be creative! You can make use of any material for your costume (just as long as it ain’t something illegal! =P).
- Contestants must take a picture of him/her wearing the costume. Only one entry (picture) per person. Entry must be a single image file, but may be edited to contain multiple images of close ups/details. Try to show off the best parts of your creation!
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a JPEG file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and character to be cosplayed in the e-mail. If possible, include a short description of why you chose to cosplay that character. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best cosplay shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Creativity: Effort put in, details
10pt for Presentation: Overall impact/style, pose
10pt for Workmanship: Accuracy, materials used, your own work
5pt for Difficulty: Bonus points based on the difficulty of the cosplay.
TOTAL: 35 points
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
The Budehuc Statue Room! Fan Art Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world.
- All forms of art are accepted, from digital to traditional, sculpture to embroidery! Show us your Suikoden creations!
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a JPEG file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and title of their piece in the e-mail. If possible, include a short description of what you chose to draw. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best fan art shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Originality: Creativity, materials used etc
10pt for Presentation: Overall impact and style
10pt for Workmanship: Technical ability and quality
TOTAL: 30 points.
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
Eike's Library! Fan Fiction Competition:
- This contest is open to all bona fide Suikoden fans from anywhere around the world. However, the language of the fan fiction must be in English. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause.
- Entrants must create a fan fiction no longer than 2500 words and no shorter than 1000 words (excluding extras like the title and description). The fanfic can include any characters or locations from the Suikoden world (including Tierkreis).
- Original characters are welcome. Just remember the focus of the fic is Suikoden!
- All material must have suitable content and must not exceed a T rating. Keep it clean. Anything beyond a T rating will not be considered.
- We have a new submission system, so listen up! Each entry MUST be sent to as a .DOC file. Contestants must fill out the entry form and include their name, country, and title of their piece in the e-mail. Then, if you would like to post it on Facebook, you are allowed to do so. If not, we will be the ones to post it in your place (some people are touchy about privacy, so we respect that). Please just tell us in your e-mail if you will post it on Facebook by yourself or not.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, the announcement will be given two to three weeks after Suikoden day.
- The best fan fiction shall be awarded, as well as one consolation prize.- All entries will be sent to both Konami Japan, Europe, and North America. It’s about time we show our love to the wonderful creators of the game!
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Originality: of story content, characters, plot
10pt for Presentation: overall effect and flow
10pt for Workmanship: Technical things like grammar, spelling, structure
TOTAL: 30 points
- Lastly, if the two winners (first prize and second prize) wish to do so, they may talk about it and exchange some of their prizes with each other. This happened last year, so we leave it up to the winners to talk about what they want. Take note that both parties need to agree to this and inform us right away.
Promote Suikoden! Advertising Competition:
Show your love for the Suikoden series by getting creative with advertising. Posters, t-shirts, or a public chalk drawing are just a few ideas on how to promote our beloved Suikoden! We’re hoping to see a lot of fun and unique entries this year! Note that this year, we are promoting the Suikoden series, rather than the Suikoden Day event.
IMPORTANT: The Suikoden Day Staff DO NOT CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE VANDALISM. If you are planning something permanent, please make sure you mention in the comments section of the entry form that you have permission.
Entrees will be judged based on the following criteria:
10pt for Effectiveness: How many people see it, clarity, impact
10pt for Dedication: The effort put in, Suiko-love shown
10pt for Originality: How new/unique the entry is, ambition
TOTAL: 30 points
Random Shout Out Competition:
The Random Shout Out competition is a free for all contest for everyone to show their love for the series. Anything that does not fit into any of the other categories can be submitted for Random Shout Out, and the winners will be drawn from the pool of entries! 2 Random winners! Show your love for Suikoden and be in to win!
Essays: ‘What Suikoden Means to Me’ and ‘My Ideal Suikoden VI’:
This is not a competition, but instead a way of contributing to both the festivities of Suikoden Day, and helping Konami to hear the voice of its Suikoden fan base. All pieces will be collected and sent into Konami after the Suikoden Day event. Essays can be as long or short as you like, and we’d love to hear your stories and opinions! Send them in to us! We can post them as anonymous if you prefer, and if you don’t want them sent to Konami, then that is okay too.
domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013
Let's talk about suikoden magazines and some gifts you can find in them!
Hablemos de revistas de suikoden y de algunos regalitos que puedes encontrar en ellas.
Suikoden V postcard from Ps2 magazine.
Postal de Suikoden V de una revista de PS2
Suikoden IV one-sided poster from Ps2 magazine.
Poster de una sóla cara de Suikoden IV, de una revista de Ps2
Another Suikoden IV poster.
Otro poster de Suikoden IV.
Konami magazine, with a few pages about suikoden II.
Revista de Konami con unas pocas páginas dedicadas a Suikoden II.
Playstation magazine vol. 350, with some Suikoden V information.
Revista de Playstation vol. 350, con información de Suikoden V.
Ps2 Magazine vol. 268 with suikoden IV information and a free DVD with Lazlo in it :)
Revista de Ps2 mº 268 con información de Suikoden IV y un DVD de regalo con la imagen de Lazlo : )
Other Ps2 magazine with Suikoden V info.
Otra revista de Ps2 con información de Suikoden V.
Ps2 magazine with King interview.
Revista de PS2 con entrevista a King.
Oficial Suikoden III magazine. All is suikoden related and the pictures are just a fewof them! A lot of info about SIII and a bit about the older games. Also a page for suikoden merchandise! Includes a DVD.
Revista Oficial de Suikoden III. Todo el contenido de la revista es de suikoden, así que las fotos son sólo unas pocas páginas de las muchas que hay! Un montón de información de SIII y un poco de los juegos anteriores también. ¡Hay una página de merchandising de suikoden! Incluye un DVD.
Playstation magazine suikoden special. Includes mostly maps, and a little interview with the staff.
Un especial de suikoden de una revista de psx. Incluye principalmente mapas, y una mini entrevista con el staff del juego.

Playstation dengeki special about suikoden. Includes info about suikoden I, II, III and gaidens.
Dengeki de playstation especial sobre suikoden. Incluye info de suikoden I, II, III y gaidens.
Suikoden III in another PS2 magazine. With dvd.
Suikoden III en otra revista de PS2. Incluye DVD.
Card&Hobby magazines by konami, with suikoden card guides.
Card&Hobby, revistas de Konami que incluyen guías para las cartas de suikoden.

Ps2 magazine with Hugo in the cover. Lots of suikoden III pages and a dvd which I cant show since Im missing it : (
Revista de Ps2 con Hugo en la portada. Un montón de páginas para Suikoden III y un dvd que no puedo mostrar ya que me falta : (
Ps2 magazine with Suikoden IV stuff and a dvd.
Revista de ps2 con cosillas de Suikoden IV y un dvd.

Imagine FX magazine, with a bit of information about Suikoden day. You can see in the picture David Antony Lucas and Dennitsa's art, and amazing Shiva Roodels cosplaying Sierra.
You can buy it here:
And you can join Suikoden Day 2013 here:
Revista Imagine FV, con un poquitín de información del Suikoden Day. Se pueden ver las ilustraciones de David Antony Lucas Y Dennitsa Petkova aquí, además de la maravillosa Shiva Roodels cosplayeada de Sierra.
Puedes comprar la revista aquí:
Y unirte a Suikoden Day 2013 aquí:
Official Playstation Uk Magazine, which a full page about Suikoden Revival Movement, and even a mention to Suikoden Day. I appear in 2 of the pictures with my best friends. Dont need to say Im really excited about that! ^^ Mister Chris Holmes is the one who stands alone in the picture of the middle. I want to say he's amazing! Chris is our tenkai star and probably the most amazing person I know, so I can say Im very happy and proud to be her friend : )
You can buy this magazine here:
Please join Suikoden Revival Movement and help Chris & the others!
Join here:
Revista Oficial de Playstation UK, con una página completa sobre Suikoden Revival Movement, e incluso mencionan el Suikoden Day brevemente. Yo aparezco en dos de las fotos con mis mejores amigos : D ¡Huelga decir que me hizo mucha, mucha ilusión! ^^ Mr Chris Holmes es el que aparece sólo en la foto del medio. Él es realmente increible. Chris es nuestra estrella Tenkai y probablemente la persona más increible que conozco, también.. así que puedo decir que estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de ser su amiga : )
Puedes comprar esta revista aquí:
Por favor, ¡únete al Suikoden Revival Movement y ayuda a Chris y a los demás!
Únete aquí:
I'll keep updating this post when I'll receive new magazines!
¡Seguiré actualizando el post cuando reciba más revistas!
Hablemos de revistas de suikoden y de algunos regalitos que puedes encontrar en ellas.
Suikoden V postcard from Ps2 magazine.
Postal de Suikoden V de una revista de PS2
Suikoden IV one-sided poster from Ps2 magazine.
Poster de una sóla cara de Suikoden IV, de una revista de Ps2
Another Suikoden IV poster.
Otro poster de Suikoden IV.
Konami magazine, with a few pages about suikoden II.
Revista de Konami con unas pocas páginas dedicadas a Suikoden II.
Playstation magazine vol. 350, with some Suikoden V information.
Revista de Playstation vol. 350, con información de Suikoden V.
Ps2 Magazine vol. 268 with suikoden IV information and a free DVD with Lazlo in it :)
Revista de Ps2 mº 268 con información de Suikoden IV y un DVD de regalo con la imagen de Lazlo : )
Other Ps2 magazine with Suikoden V info.
Otra revista de Ps2 con información de Suikoden V.
Ps2 magazine with King interview.
Revista de PS2 con entrevista a King.
Oficial Suikoden III magazine. All is suikoden related and the pictures are just a fewof them! A lot of info about SIII and a bit about the older games. Also a page for suikoden merchandise! Includes a DVD.
Revista Oficial de Suikoden III. Todo el contenido de la revista es de suikoden, así que las fotos son sólo unas pocas páginas de las muchas que hay! Un montón de información de SIII y un poco de los juegos anteriores también. ¡Hay una página de merchandising de suikoden! Incluye un DVD.

Un especial de suikoden de una revista de psx. Incluye principalmente mapas, y una mini entrevista con el staff del juego.

Playstation dengeki special about suikoden. Includes info about suikoden I, II, III and gaidens.
Dengeki de playstation especial sobre suikoden. Incluye info de suikoden I, II, III y gaidens.
Suikoden III in another PS2 magazine. With dvd.
Suikoden III en otra revista de PS2. Incluye DVD.
Card&Hobby magazines by konami, with suikoden card guides.
Card&Hobby, revistas de Konami que incluyen guías para las cartas de suikoden.

Ps2 magazine with Hugo in the cover. Lots of suikoden III pages and a dvd which I cant show since Im missing it : (
Revista de Ps2 con Hugo en la portada. Un montón de páginas para Suikoden III y un dvd que no puedo mostrar ya que me falta : (

Revista de ps2 con cosillas de Suikoden IV y un dvd.

Imagine FX magazine, with a bit of information about Suikoden day. You can see in the picture David Antony Lucas and Dennitsa's art, and amazing Shiva Roodels cosplaying Sierra.
You can buy it here:
And you can join Suikoden Day 2013 here:
Revista Imagine FV, con un poquitín de información del Suikoden Day. Se pueden ver las ilustraciones de David Antony Lucas Y Dennitsa Petkova aquí, además de la maravillosa Shiva Roodels cosplayeada de Sierra.
Puedes comprar la revista aquí:
Y unirte a Suikoden Day 2013 aquí:
Official Playstation Uk Magazine, which a full page about Suikoden Revival Movement, and even a mention to Suikoden Day. I appear in 2 of the pictures with my best friends. Dont need to say Im really excited about that! ^^ Mister Chris Holmes is the one who stands alone in the picture of the middle. I want to say he's amazing! Chris is our tenkai star and probably the most amazing person I know, so I can say Im very happy and proud to be her friend : )
You can buy this magazine here:
Please join Suikoden Revival Movement and help Chris & the others!
Join here:
Revista Oficial de Playstation UK, con una página completa sobre Suikoden Revival Movement, e incluso mencionan el Suikoden Day brevemente. Yo aparezco en dos de las fotos con mis mejores amigos : D ¡Huelga decir que me hizo mucha, mucha ilusión! ^^ Mr Chris Holmes es el que aparece sólo en la foto del medio. Él es realmente increible. Chris es nuestra estrella Tenkai y probablemente la persona más increible que conozco, también.. así que puedo decir que estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de ser su amiga : )
Puedes comprar esta revista aquí:
Por favor, ¡únete al Suikoden Revival Movement y ayuda a Chris y a los demás!
Únete aquí:
I'll keep updating this post when I'll receive new magazines!
¡Seguiré actualizando el post cuando reciba más revistas!
domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013
2013 Nanami's Wishlist
En vez de hacer los típicos propósitos, yo comenzaré este 2013 con mi top 10 de cosas de suikoden que me quedan por conseguir.
Instead of making my new year's resolution, Ill start this 2013 with my own Suikoden Top 10 of things Im missing still.
Pero antes de eso, echemos un ojo a mi wishlist de 2009... ¡no recordaba que fuese tan antigua! De mi antiguo top ten sólo he podido conseguir 4 cosas. ¡Menos da una piedra, supongo!
But lets see my 2009 wishlist before... I didnt remember it was so long time ago! I just got in all this time 4 stuff from my list... But I cant complain, I guess!
La figura limitada de Lyon, el cuadro de suikoden (preciosisisisismo, uno de mis objetos preferidos desde el día que lo vi...), la bandera del fuerte mercenario (no tan complicada de encontrar como el resto, pero se me resistía...) y la caja de chocolates! (de las cosas más chulis que tengo, la verdad).
Lyon Limited figure, Suikoden framed art (wondeeeerful, one of my fav mercha ever since first time I saw it), mercenary fortress flag (maybe the easiest of al 10 to get but for some reason it was hard) and chocolate box (coolest thing ever).
Mi wishlist actualizada:
1. Pongo las 3 volks juntas ya que es un crimen que ocupen mis tres primeros puestos, cuando ¡ni siquera son licenciadas! pero me gustan tanto que conservan su top 1.
2. El ipod, ese eterno imposible...
3. La camiseta, tremendamente difícil de conseguir, jamás la vi en venta en todo este tiempo.
4. El guarda memory card... que pena me da no haberlo comprado cuando lo vendían en ebay. El día que reuní el dinero para comprarlo, lo compró otra persona u_u
5. Suikoden II de pc chino. Aunque cualquier suikoden de pc que me falte es un obligatorio de tener
6. Uno de los set de cartas que más me gustan. Aunque cualquiera que yo no tenga merece un puesto en mi top ten. Las cajas de cartas siempre han sido mi prioridad.
7. El poster maldito. Este peque casi se pierde el dudoso honor de estar en mi top ten debido a la cantidad de veces que lo he perdido en puja, ya me da un poquito de repelús... aún así... seamos sinceros, si lo veo de nuevo, volvería a pujar xD
8. Posters de tela de suikoden III. Ya tengo a Hugo, pero faltan los demás...
9. El único peluche suikoden que me falta, "Oh master Luc I cant live without you...!" <3 p="">10. El cd Orgel. Estaba dudando entre esto o las joyas de suikoden, otro favorito desde siempre, pero lo dejaré para cuando consiga algo de este top ten y lo actualice... ¿quizá en 2017? ¿quizá nunca? xD ¡Espero que no!
1. All the 3 volks together since its a shame if they have 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in my list! Theyre not even licensed! But I like it sooo much they will share the top 1.
2. My eternat impossible, Suikoden Ipod.
3.Suikoden tee, extremelly hard to get, I don't even saw it for sale in all these years..
4. Memory card holder! So sad I didnt purchase it when it was on ebay..! The same day I could get the money for it, anyone elses bought it u_u
5. Suikoden II chinese for PC. But any other suikoden for pc is a must have >.<
6. One of my fav cards set. Again, any of the others set are worth of this top 10. Booster packs have been always my priority!
7. Cursed poster. this little one almost misses the uncertain honor of being in my wishlist since Ive lost it soo many times I kind of dislike it a bit, but being honest I would bid for it tomorrow if I see it! xD
8. Suikoden III cloth posters. I've already Hugo, but Im missing all the others...
9. the only suikoden plushie Im still missing. Oh, master Luc, I can't live without you...! <3 nbsp="" p="">10. Orgel cd. I almost choose the GSV earrings but Ill put it in my next wishlist once Ill get something from this top 10. Maybe in 2017? maybe... never? xDDD Hope not! xD
Instead of making my new year's resolution, Ill start this 2013 with my own Suikoden Top 10 of things Im missing still.
Pero antes de eso, echemos un ojo a mi wishlist de 2009... ¡no recordaba que fuese tan antigua! De mi antiguo top ten sólo he podido conseguir 4 cosas. ¡Menos da una piedra, supongo!
But lets see my 2009 wishlist before... I didnt remember it was so long time ago! I just got in all this time 4 stuff from my list... But I cant complain, I guess!
La figura limitada de Lyon, el cuadro de suikoden (preciosisisisismo, uno de mis objetos preferidos desde el día que lo vi...), la bandera del fuerte mercenario (no tan complicada de encontrar como el resto, pero se me resistía...) y la caja de chocolates! (de las cosas más chulis que tengo, la verdad).
Lyon Limited figure, Suikoden framed art (wondeeeerful, one of my fav mercha ever since first time I saw it), mercenary fortress flag (maybe the easiest of al 10 to get but for some reason it was hard) and chocolate box (coolest thing ever).
Mi wishlist actualizada:
1. Pongo las 3 volks juntas ya que es un crimen que ocupen mis tres primeros puestos, cuando ¡ni siquera son licenciadas! pero me gustan tanto que conservan su top 1.
2. El ipod, ese eterno imposible...
3. La camiseta, tremendamente difícil de conseguir, jamás la vi en venta en todo este tiempo.
4. El guarda memory card... que pena me da no haberlo comprado cuando lo vendían en ebay. El día que reuní el dinero para comprarlo, lo compró otra persona u_u
5. Suikoden II de pc chino. Aunque cualquier suikoden de pc que me falte es un obligatorio de tener
6. Uno de los set de cartas que más me gustan. Aunque cualquiera que yo no tenga merece un puesto en mi top ten. Las cajas de cartas siempre han sido mi prioridad.
7. El poster maldito. Este peque casi se pierde el dudoso honor de estar en mi top ten debido a la cantidad de veces que lo he perdido en puja, ya me da un poquito de repelús... aún así... seamos sinceros, si lo veo de nuevo, volvería a pujar xD
8. Posters de tela de suikoden III. Ya tengo a Hugo, pero faltan los demás...
9. El único peluche suikoden que me falta, "Oh master Luc I cant live without you...!" <3 p="">10. El cd Orgel. Estaba dudando entre esto o las joyas de suikoden, otro favorito desde siempre, pero lo dejaré para cuando consiga algo de este top ten y lo actualice... ¿quizá en 2017? ¿quizá nunca? xD ¡Espero que no!
1. All the 3 volks together since its a shame if they have 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in my list! Theyre not even licensed! But I like it sooo much they will share the top 1.
2. My eternat impossible, Suikoden Ipod.
3.Suikoden tee, extremelly hard to get, I don't even saw it for sale in all these years..
4. Memory card holder! So sad I didnt purchase it when it was on ebay..! The same day I could get the money for it, anyone elses bought it u_u
5. Suikoden II chinese for PC. But any other suikoden for pc is a must have >.<
6. One of my fav cards set. Again, any of the others set are worth of this top 10. Booster packs have been always my priority!
7. Cursed poster. this little one almost misses the uncertain honor of being in my wishlist since Ive lost it soo many times I kind of dislike it a bit, but being honest I would bid for it tomorrow if I see it! xD
8. Suikoden III cloth posters. I've already Hugo, but Im missing all the others...
9. the only suikoden plushie Im still missing. Oh, master Luc, I can't live without you...! <3 nbsp="" p="">10. Orgel cd. I almost choose the GSV earrings but Ill put it in my next wishlist once Ill get something from this top 10. Maybe in 2017? maybe... never? xDDD Hope not! xD
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